Sunday 27 August 2017

Time for another Palomino Poem

Time to put my Palomino Black Wing 602 to the test again with another low quality poem


Backpack on the grass
And body laid flat
It's time for a breather
You know where you're at.

Toughen up you old bastard!
You used be so strong
What the hell's happened
What has gone wrong?

Raisins and chocolate
and a sandwich to boot
Drink bottle to lips
You're a satisfied coot.

Toughen up you old bastard!
You're covered in sweat
And aching and sore
But you're not beaten yet

Rolling hills in the distance
A haze in the sky
The view is outstanding
You've now climbed so high.

Toughen up you old bastard!
You cry to the crowd
The top is in sight
It's up there in the cloud.

See the cars far below
matchbox in size
You squint for a while
Then close your eyes.

Toughen up, you old bastard!
You'll beat it, you know
Half way to the letter box
1k to go.

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