The Escape by David Baldacci

The Escape (John Puller #3) by David Baldacci

David Baldacci is one of my favourite "junk" authors - not that his books are junk. In my case, it means that if I want to escape for a few days and immerse myself in a good rollicking yarn, then he is one of my go-to authors. I have a lot of Baldacci on my bookshelves (probably 20 or so) and I have read a lot of his work. 

The Sean King & Michelle Maxwell Books
The Camel Club Books
The John Puller Books
The Will Robie Books

And lots of his standalone novels like 

Absolute Power
Total Control
The Winner
The Simple Truth
Saving Faith
Last Man Standing.

Check out his vast bibliography at

I was in West Heidelberg a few weeks back waiting for my wife to have an eye checkup with the optometrist so I wandered over to the Bell St Mall ( which was Australia's very first shopping mall, opening way back in the 1950s at around the time of the 1956 Olympic Games. As I lived in West Heidelberg for a while in 1962, I remember it in its heyday. Nowadays, it is a very humble area and beckons back to a simpler time. As usual, I gravitated to the St Vincent De Paul Op Shop and browsed the books, where I picked up David Baldacci's 'The Escape". One of his more recent books (2014) and one that I had recently seen in the shops and pondered buying. Hey, you can't complain about a $3 price.

It is book 3 is the John Puller Series. I had already read the first two books (Zero Day and Forgotten) so I knew the characters and was able to immediately get into the storyline.

Sure, it's ridiculously farfetched but you just have to suspend thoughts of reality once in a while and enjoy the read!

Oliver Stone (Camel Club stories) remains my favourite Baldacci character but all his lead characters have that same heroic superman like quality. 

I recommend any Baldacci book, this one included. Not his best (especially the end which is a bit silly) but 3.5 stars out of 5.

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