Tony Greig: Love, War and Cricket

Tony Greig: Love, War and Cricket – a Family Memoir by Joyce Greig and Mark Greig

I've been a big Tony Greig fan for many years, having listened to him and Bill Lawrie spar verbally as Australian TV Cricket commentators for many years. And before that, I remember him as the English cricket captain and then as the captain of the World Eleven in the World Series Cricket breakaway.

His death on 28th December 2012 was met with an outpouring of grief from family, friends, colleagues and fans and led to a wonderful 2013 memoir, recounted by two of those who knew him best - his mother, Joycie, and his eldest son, Mark. I saw it at the time and thought I had better get that eventually. Then I forgot about it until I saw it going cheap in a local bookshop in August 2015. Bought and read in quick succession.

Sadly, he died only 3 months after being diagnosed. This youtube video, filmed in November 2012 during the Aust vs West Indies test at the Gabba, was his last interview. A month later, he would be dead. Check out

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