Frank Carrucan - Infinite World Series

My cousin Frank Carrucan of Ballarat, one of the Editorial Committee who produced our own Dirt Poor Spirit Rich family history book, has had, over the last few years, four of his own books published via Amazon and they are great reads. I read book 1 in 2011, book 2 in 2012, book 3 in 2015 and have just finished reading book 4 as of June 2017.

Each book is around the 300 page mark and the books are geared to the teenage reading market. They can be purchased in both book and kindle format and I enjoyed them immensely. Frank has obviously done lots of research and it shows, with the sci-fi and historical elements all melding together seamlessly. To read further or to order your copy, check out

Falconer Blood: Infinite Worlds – Book 1 (2011)

Falconer Vision - Infinite Worlds Book 2 (2012)

Falconer Alliance: Infinite Worlds – Book 3 (2015)

Falconer Blade: Infinite Worlds – Book 4 (2017) 
It is available via amazon like the first 3 books:
It is also available via online publisher Lulu. The Lulu edition is cheaper in Australia because of much cheaper shipping costs.

Book 1 follows the adventures of 16 year old loner Dan Falconer of Melbourne who is rescued by his half-sister Bess and transported back to 1720 Jamaica to battle their father John Falconer, 'adventurer among the worlds'. Their powers of telekinesis and the ability to travel between parallel worlds are elusive - are they genetic? Answers to this question gradually unfold over this and the subsequent books.

Book 2 follows the adventures of Dan's cousins Jake and Skye Falconer who have also developed these special powers and who must use them to battle the battle-ready, designer soldiers thrown at them by the mysterious Nostradums Harbinger.

In book 3, all 4 Falconers and their friends must try to understand the reason for the powers and try to overcome impossible odds - on two fronts - in this world of the 21st century - and in 1721.

In book 4, Skye's fear that she will be shut up in a laboratory somewhere seems to be coming true. Academic and Government agencies are aware of her abilities. They are seeking her out, but they have their own agenda.

And there is more to come with Book 5 promised soon. Certainly book 4 finishes with lots of questions left unanswered. 


  1. Thanks so much Tim. Very humbling to have good reviews by such a discerning reader. I've read a lot of the fiction on your list but must catch up with some of the biographies. Just bought the new Wilbur Smith. He's over 80 now and writing with someone else. No doubt he will continue to write from beyond the grave like Robert Ludlum. Cheers - Frank Carrucan

  2. I've loved reading them also. Well written and characters very real.

  3. Just read the C.S.Lewis bio by Alister McGrath. Interesting to see that he was world famous, for Christian literature, and on the cover of Time magazine, before he wrote a word of the Narnia series. He had a rich academic life - but some unusual domestic arrangements. The book goes far beyond the movie 'Shadowlands' in describing his marriage. I read it very quickly and when I put everything else aside and just read - to me - it's a great book. Cheers Tim, Frank Carrucan. Will have to pick another off your list.

  4. Girl with the Dragon Tattoo series has a 4th - written from beyond the grave - but very good - Girl in the Spider's Web.

  5. Yes, I got it for Christmas last year from one of our boys - it's in the queue along with lots of others but is bubbling its way to the top.

  6. Just bought 'The City of Mirrors - the Passage Triology- 3rd one by Justin Cronin. Virals - (vampires) - post apocalyptic - thing.

  7. Just saw Salem's Lot on your list. They made a second movie of that starring Rob Low - and in was (partly) filmed in Creswick near Ballarat - about 14 years ago. Creswick became a New England town with fake snow and a digitally added house on a hill overlooking the town. I have the DVD.
