The Night of the Triffids by Simon Clark

The Night of the Triffids by Simon Clark

Written in 2001 by Simon Clark, it is a sequel to John Wyndham's The Day of the Triffids.

At the end of The Day of the Triffids, the hero, Bill Masen, his wife, and four-year-old son leave the British mainland to join a new colony on the Isle of Wight. The Night of the Triffids takes up the story 25 years later. David Masen, the now grown-up son of Bill, is a pilot, still searching for a method of destroying the implacable triffid plant as it continues its worldwide march, seemingly intent on wiping out humankind. David eventually manages to reach New York, where a very different sort of colony has been set up, and where David comes face to face with an old enemy from his father's past.

Interesting in that the original John Wyndham book was written in 1951, exactly 50 years before. I am a great Wyndham fan and I have many of his novels in my library - and they are always worth a re-read.

The Day of the Triffids (1951)
The Kraken Wakes (1953)
The Chrysalids (1955)
The Midwich Cuckoos (1957)
Trouble with Lichen (1960)

Ok, it's not John Wyndham and is nowhere near as good as the original, but it does develop the story line and the triffids concept, explaining how they are evolving (nice touch). Plenty of action and a good plot. Definitely worth a read as a homage to the original. There are plenty of holes in terms of technologies that should not exist in that era, but that is just being a bit picky.