David Gibbins: The Gods Of Atlantis

I was in Moonee Ponds in late January 2015 and browsing in my favourite second hand bookshop when I came upon this book and the blurb sounded interesting. I've been an Atlantis fan ever since watching the 1961 movie "Atlantis the Lost Continent" as a kid. I can still remember the death rays and the slaves turned into beasts. They don't make movies like that any more. Anyway, the blurb in GoodReads goes like this.

A thrilling standalone sequel to "Atlantis", David Gibbins' international bestseller of high-action adventure, marine archaeology and the exploration of one of history's most fascinating and enduring mysteries. A lost Nazi bunker in a forest in Germany contains a dreadful secret. But is there a horrifying new dimension - another ingredient in the Nazi's rule of terror? Marine archaeologist Jack Howard returns to the lost island of Atlantis in the Black Sea to answer questions about the Atlantis priests that have plagued him. Then by tracking down the 1930s expeditions of Himmler's Ahnenerbe - the Nazi's Department of Cultural Heritage - and its link with Atlantis, Jack realises he is not just on the trail of the greatest lost relics from the past. Could there possibly be a terrifying new version of 'Atlantis', a priesthood of evil? Jack must uncover the truth before it is too late.

OK, it's always hard to come in on the sequel when you haven't read the first book. But even so, I am prepared to give it a go. I was disappointed. With so much material with which to work, the author just tries to hard and it shows. The amazing coincidences are just ridiculous. I usually suspend belief when reading a book but in this case, there is a limit. I will not be searching out the first book in the series. One was enough.

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