We Are All Stardust: Conversations with Stefan Klein

We Are All Stardust: Conversations with Stefan Klein

Had lots of great reviews. Concept: Nineteen conversations / interviews with a sterling roster of natural and social scientists, shedding new light on their ideas, discoveries—and lives."Scientists who shaped our world talk about their work, their lives and what they still want to know.

Alas, I was quite disappointed. For a start, I thought that the choice of the interviewees was lacklustre. While some were well known, many were unknown to me and actually not really interesting. That aside, I would have preferred the Q&As to concentrate on their work but this was, in some cases, almost a secondary consideration as they talked about their lives. I am not interested in their lives - it is their work which would interest me.  I found I gradually lost interest as I worked my way through the 19 chapters. Not highly recommended.