A Life in Parts by Bryan Cranston

Yes, we all know Bryan Cranston due to his work with the TV series 'Malcolm in the Middle' and 'Breaking Bad' and his most recent stage show "All The Way" and movie about US President Lyndon Johnston. He was my favourite character on MITM and I well remember episode 7 of season 4 when he took up racewalking. He could do anything in that series - racewalk, sing, act, roller blade, etc. A super talented actor indeed.

Recently I heard him being interviewed about his autobiography A Life in Parts and I knew I must read it. As Father's Day was coming up, I put it on the wish list and it soon appeared.

I read it quickly and enjoyed it immensely. A riveting story, in which he is willing to expose himself to our scrutiny. There is nothing in the way of big noting in this memoir which is fascinating from start to finish. I was reminded of David Suchet's memoir of his time at Hercule Piorot. Another wonderful character actor and personality.

A must read. Highly recommended.

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