The Acer Sampson Series by Oliver Tidy

The Acer Sampson Series by Oliver Tidy

I came across the novel Dirty Business as a free e-book download from BookBub and it sounded a good premise:

Acer Sansom, a British soldier believed long dead, resurfaces, shot in the guts in the home of a still-warm dead man. With the help of a high-profile British politician, Acer becomes embroiled in a mission for retribution and justice for the loved ones and the life he has lost. Acer’s search takes him from the south of England to the teeming metropolis of Istanbul and beyond where the action twists and turns as the story builds to an explosive climax.

It was easy to read and I soon found out that it was the first of a 4 book series by author Oliver Tidy.

Dirty Business (Acer Sansom #1) 
Loose Ends (Acer Sansom #2) 
Smoke and Mirrors (Acer Sansom #3) 
Deep State (Acer Sansom #4) 

I duly bought the remaining 3 books (ebook kindle format) at a very economical prices and completed the full read.

Overall summary - those sorts of action packed books that you can't put down once you start. The successive books tie up loose ends from the previous books but then open up new loose ends that must be tidied up. The writing is crisp, tight and clear - no fussing about with irrelevant details just to pad it out.

Oliver Tidy has also written the well known "Romney and Marsh" series. That is another series of books I must read. Where does it all stop!

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