Making It So by Patrick Stewart

Published in 2023, this autobiography of Patrick Stewart was on my list of books to get, so I was very pleased to receive it as a birthday present in November. I have been a big fan of his ever since enjoying his time as Captain Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek and also from his many appearances in films over the years. I had known that he came from a Shakespearian background but certainly did not know that finer details of what has been a stage and film career of over 60 years.

And what a career it has been, with stage and film and TV appearances and accolades galore. Even in bad films or TV adaptations (eg Dune or Moby Dick), he stands out as a bright light against an otherwise grey background.

He is the epitome of the self made man - forcing his way into theatre from a humble and poor Yorkshire background.

His autobiography is a great read and I devoured it in a week. From the opening chapters telling of his early life, it draws you in. I absolutely loved his tales of his early theatre work. Stewart is a natural storyteller and his writing style is as smooth as silk. There are plenty of stories from his time in Star Trek and the X-Men films, but his theatre work is his first love and is therefore the main focus of the book. Making It So shows that Patrick Stewart is not only a great actor, but he's a great writer as well.

Reading this was like catching up with an old friend you haven’t seen in years. He is prepared to bare his life, warts and all. Mistakes and accomplishments humbly described.

As a biography, its a 5 star read.