Friday 9 August 2019

The New Geelong Library

I have often noticed when driving through Geelong, the large dome visible in the middle of the Geelong CBD. Knowing it was the main City of Geelong library, I have always meant to pay a visit. Earlier this year (May 2019), I decided to rectify that oversight.

I have many wonderful memories of the many older style libraries in Melbourne, in particular, the La Trobe Reading Room in the State Library of Victoria. As a schoolboy, I used to frequent that iconic space whenever I was in the city, and never ceased to be amazed by the huge number of books, the wonderful Victorian architecture, the quietness and the studiousness of the huge room.

I was keen to see how the Geelong Library stacked up. Alas, I was disappointed. The layout of various reading rooms on multiple levels meant that it did not feel like a library to me. Gone was the possibility of wandering through 'miles' of stacks, all in one area. It just seemed to lack atmosphere. Where do you start. Where can I find C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien books? Sure, there are hundreds of terminals at which you can work but that is not what a library means to me. The feel and smell of the books, old and new, was sadly missing.

This is not amongst my recommended visits. Mind you, not everyone thinks the same - see a more positive review at